Where the study of the book of Revelation is concerned, there are many different views out there on the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. And there are more speculative ideas concerning his identity than they are Bible truth. The purpose of this article is not to say who I believe is the Antichrist but to give you an idea of the kind of person we should expect him to be. This can easily be found out simply by connecting the dots between predictions in the book of Daniel and those in Revelations.
One of the things in prophecy study that some Bible students fail to understand as they should is the importance of consistency in their conclusions when comparing similar predictions. That is, if one prophet prophesied one thing don't expect something contrary from another prophet if both are under the inspiration of the same Spirit. Every prophecy student recognizes this in theory but in their Bible studies it is not really being put into practice. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suggesting that Barak Obama is the Antichrist.
When it comes to general rudimentary Bible teachings the Lord is usually clear in His communication of our duties as children of His. Every principle is clearly set forth and where difficulty arises there is always a passage where it is clearly explained. God's approach in unraveling end-time prophecies is no different. He has made provisions for every man who wants to get a better understanding of His will to know the truth concerning events predicted in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
One of the most exciting prophetic themes spoken of both in Daniel and Revelations is the activities of this end-time enemy of Christ called the Antichrist. There is striking harmony between the accounts of both prophets that there is no need to speculate whether they are describing the same individual.
When you are comparing parallel prophecies between Daniel and Revelations, while you will see a clear sameness of description between the prophets, they use different words and expressions to tell the same story. Below is a comparison of descriptions of the Antichrist and his activities both in Daniel and Revelations:
1. Daniel says: His power shall be mighty but not by his own power (Dan. 8:24).
Revelations says: The dragon shall give him his power, his seat, and great authority (Rev. 13:2).
2. Daniel says: He shall exalt himself above every god (Dan. 11:36; 8:11, 25).
Revelation says: All that dwell upon the earth shall worship the beast (Rev. 13:8).
3. Daniel says: He shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods (Dan. 11:36;7:25).
Revelations says: He shall blaspheme the name of God and His tabernacle (Rev. 13:6).
4. Daniel says: He shall scatter the powers of the holy people (Dan. 12:7;7:25; 8:24).
Revelations says: He shall make war with the saints and overcome them (Rev. 13:7).
In your Bible study of Daniel in connection with Revelations, you will see that even within the book of Daniel there are three separate descriptions of the Antichrist. There is that 'little-horn king' in chapter 7, 'the king of fierce countenance' in chapter 8, and 'the king of the north' in chapter 11. And all of these designations are comparable to the beast of Revelations 13. A comparison of all these passages shows clearly that the Antichrist will not be known until he is fully endowed with supernatural powers. Certainly, that's not what took place in the USA on November 4, 2008.
We must take note of the fact that in the book of Daniel all these descriptions are given to us within the framework of parallel prophecies. Therefore we should treat them as one complete story with repeated information while the book of Revelation focuses on the last-day aspects of the same narrative. The key to a fruitful Bible study on Revelations is to compare its prophecies with the writings of other prophets.