Where the study of the book of Revelation is concerned, there are many different views out there on the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. And there are more speculative ideas concerning his identity than they are Bible truth. The purpose of this article is not to say who I believe is the Antichrist but to give you an idea of the kind of person we should expect him to be. This can easily be found out simply by connecting the dots between predictions in the book of Daniel and those in Revelations.
One of the things in prophecy study that some Bible students fail to understand as they should is the importance of consistency in their conclusions when comparing similar predictions. That is, if one prophet prophesied one thing don't expect something contrary from another prophet if both are under the inspiration of the same Spirit. Every prophecy student recognizes this in theory but in their Bible studies it is not really being put into practice. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suggesting that Barak Obama is the Antichrist.
When it comes to general rudimentary Bible teachings the Lord is usually clear in His communication of our duties as children of His. Every principle is clearly set forth and where difficulty arises there is always a passage where it is clearly explained. God's approach in unraveling end-time prophecies is no different. He has made provisions for every man who wants to get a better understanding of His will to know the truth concerning events predicted in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
One of the most exciting prophetic themes spoken of both in Daniel and Revelations is the activities of this end-time enemy of Christ called the Antichrist. There is striking harmony between the accounts of both prophets that there is no need to speculate whether they are describing the same individual.
When you are comparing parallel prophecies between Daniel and Revelations, while you will see a clear sameness of description between the prophets, they use different words and expressions to tell the same story. Below is a comparison of descriptions of the Antichrist and his activities both in Daniel and Revelations:
1. Daniel says: His power shall be mighty but not by his own power (Dan. 8:24).
Revelations says: The dragon shall give him his power, his seat, and great authority (Rev. 13:2).
2. Daniel says: He shall exalt himself above every god (Dan. 11:36; 8:11, 25).
Revelation says: All that dwell upon the earth shall worship the beast (Rev. 13:8).
3. Daniel says: He shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods (Dan. 11:36;7:25).
Revelations says: He shall blaspheme the name of God and His tabernacle (Rev. 13:6).
4. Daniel says: He shall scatter the powers of the holy people (Dan. 12:7;7:25; 8:24).
Revelations says: He shall make war with the saints and overcome them (Rev. 13:7).
In your Bible study of Daniel in connection with Revelations, you will see that even within the book of Daniel there are three separate descriptions of the Antichrist. There is that 'little-horn king' in chapter 7, 'the king of fierce countenance' in chapter 8, and 'the king of the north' in chapter 11. And all of these designations are comparable to the beast of Revelations 13. A comparison of all these passages shows clearly that the Antichrist will not be known until he is fully endowed with supernatural powers. Certainly, that's not what took place in the USA on November 4, 2008.
We must take note of the fact that in the book of Daniel all these descriptions are given to us within the framework of parallel prophecies. Therefore we should treat them as one complete story with repeated information while the book of Revelation focuses on the last-day aspects of the same narrative. The key to a fruitful Bible study on Revelations is to compare its prophecies with the writings of other prophets.
Selasa, 14 November 2017
Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017
Bible Study on Daniel and Revelations - Exploring the 1260 Days Prophecy
The 1260 days prophecy in Daniel and Revelation lends itself to various interpretations due to uncertainty as to whether it is to be treated as literal or symbolic. This is one of the areas of prophecy study that I consider be the most technical and can create confusion if we are not very diligent in our Bible studies in this area. Yet, if we apply the right method of prophetic interpretation we will get a better understanding of how we should treat this period.
The Seventh-Day-Adventists seems to be much keener on this time period and perhaps have done more research on the prophecies associated with it than any other denomination. In there teaching they suggest that everywhere that this prophetic period is mentioned in Bible prophecy it is referring to the Dark Ages of papal reign that occurred between 538-1798AD - a period of 1260 years.
This interpretation is based on the day-for-a-year principle that was established in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6. Thus it was interpreted that 1260-days should really be 1260 years. In my Bible study of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelations I have come to realize that the 1260 days prophecy is not as clear-cut as to suggest that all the references to this period should be applied to one particular dispensation.
The different designations of the prophetic period
You will notice that this period is given several descriptions. You will see descriptions such as forty and two months (Rev. 11:2; 13:5), time times and half a time (Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14), time, times and dividing of time (Dan. 7:25), and one thousand two hundred and threescore days (Rev. 11:3; 12:6). The forty and two months is 42x30 =1260 days, and the time times and half a time (or dividing of time) is calculated as time = 1 year (360 days), times = 2 years (720 days), and half a time = ½ year (180 days), the sum of which is 1260 days.
In order to ensure a sound understanding of this prophetic period we need to pay particular attention to the context of the prophecy in which this period is mentioned. In my Bible study across the parallel prophecies of Daniel and Revelation I discovered two different contexts in which the 1260 days prophecy is mentioned. They are as follows:
1. The historical context, and
2. The end-time context
The historical context
The most obvious example of a historical application of the 1260 days prophecy is found in the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelations. In this prophecy it was said that when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth he persecuted the woman for 1260 days, a period that was supposed have begun a little after the man child (Jesus) was caught up to heaven (Rev. 12:6, 14). In this prophecy the dragon is a symbol of Satan and woman in scripture is a symbol of Israel, the church (Jer. 6:3).
Satan wanted to kill the man child at birth but did not succeed, so he persecuted the church, who bore this man child, for 1260 prophetic days. Therefore, this period of persecution of the church of God came not very long after the ascension of Christ. This is where I believe the Adventists' analysis of prophetic time is correct.
The end-time context
Whenever I think of a last-day context in which the 1260 days prophecy is mentioned, Daniel 12 immediately comes to mind. In my Bible study of Revelation I have also seen where this period is mentioned in similar contexts, but Daniel 12 is the most glaring. In verse 7 the Bible clearly stated that during this prophetic period the king of the north will "scatter the powers of the holy people". But the context of this prophecy is found in verse 1, which tells us about a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. No unbiased prophecy student will deny the last-day significance of this prophecy.
A clear transition between the historical and the end-time context in the book of Revelation
If you study Revelation 12 and 13 you will see where the Bible makes a transition from one dispensation to the next where the 1260 day prophecy is concerned. As we have established earlier, the mention of that period in chapter 12 is in the context of a post ascension scenario. It was right after Christ was caught up to heaven that Satan began to persecute the church. But when we go to chapter 13 we see a different picture. Now we are seeing the dragon giving power to the beast to persecute the saints for forty and two months. This conflict will take place during the mark-of-the-beast crisis in the last days.
The context changes from a historical war between the dragon and the woman to an end-time war between the beast and the saints. If you study the contexts across the parallel prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, you will see a distinction between past and future applications of the 1260 days prophecy. The day-for-a-year principle is applied in the historical contexts to indicate a period of 1260 years, while the last-day context is to be treated as a literal time period.
The Seventh-Day-Adventists seems to be much keener on this time period and perhaps have done more research on the prophecies associated with it than any other denomination. In there teaching they suggest that everywhere that this prophetic period is mentioned in Bible prophecy it is referring to the Dark Ages of papal reign that occurred between 538-1798AD - a period of 1260 years.
This interpretation is based on the day-for-a-year principle that was established in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6. Thus it was interpreted that 1260-days should really be 1260 years. In my Bible study of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelations I have come to realize that the 1260 days prophecy is not as clear-cut as to suggest that all the references to this period should be applied to one particular dispensation.
The different designations of the prophetic period
You will notice that this period is given several descriptions. You will see descriptions such as forty and two months (Rev. 11:2; 13:5), time times and half a time (Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14), time, times and dividing of time (Dan. 7:25), and one thousand two hundred and threescore days (Rev. 11:3; 12:6). The forty and two months is 42x30 =1260 days, and the time times and half a time (or dividing of time) is calculated as time = 1 year (360 days), times = 2 years (720 days), and half a time = ½ year (180 days), the sum of which is 1260 days.
In order to ensure a sound understanding of this prophetic period we need to pay particular attention to the context of the prophecy in which this period is mentioned. In my Bible study across the parallel prophecies of Daniel and Revelation I discovered two different contexts in which the 1260 days prophecy is mentioned. They are as follows:
1. The historical context, and
2. The end-time context
The historical context
The most obvious example of a historical application of the 1260 days prophecy is found in the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelations. In this prophecy it was said that when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth he persecuted the woman for 1260 days, a period that was supposed have begun a little after the man child (Jesus) was caught up to heaven (Rev. 12:6, 14). In this prophecy the dragon is a symbol of Satan and woman in scripture is a symbol of Israel, the church (Jer. 6:3).
Satan wanted to kill the man child at birth but did not succeed, so he persecuted the church, who bore this man child, for 1260 prophetic days. Therefore, this period of persecution of the church of God came not very long after the ascension of Christ. This is where I believe the Adventists' analysis of prophetic time is correct.
The end-time context
Whenever I think of a last-day context in which the 1260 days prophecy is mentioned, Daniel 12 immediately comes to mind. In my Bible study of Revelation I have also seen where this period is mentioned in similar contexts, but Daniel 12 is the most glaring. In verse 7 the Bible clearly stated that during this prophetic period the king of the north will "scatter the powers of the holy people". But the context of this prophecy is found in verse 1, which tells us about a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. No unbiased prophecy student will deny the last-day significance of this prophecy.
A clear transition between the historical and the end-time context in the book of Revelation
If you study Revelation 12 and 13 you will see where the Bible makes a transition from one dispensation to the next where the 1260 day prophecy is concerned. As we have established earlier, the mention of that period in chapter 12 is in the context of a post ascension scenario. It was right after Christ was caught up to heaven that Satan began to persecute the church. But when we go to chapter 13 we see a different picture. Now we are seeing the dragon giving power to the beast to persecute the saints for forty and two months. This conflict will take place during the mark-of-the-beast crisis in the last days.
The context changes from a historical war between the dragon and the woman to an end-time war between the beast and the saints. If you study the contexts across the parallel prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, you will see a distinction between past and future applications of the 1260 days prophecy. The day-for-a-year principle is applied in the historical contexts to indicate a period of 1260 years, while the last-day context is to be treated as a literal time period.
Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
Best Bible Studies on Money: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
One of the best and most life-changing books that I have ever encountered is the Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn. Some Bible studies use guilt as a motivation for giving money; this one doesn't. The subtitle of The Treasure Principle is 'Discover the secret of joyful giving!". For me, this book delivered on that promise! A quote from the book that I love, which sums up the attitude of the author towards money and giving is "Giving infuses life with joy. It interjects an eternal dimension into even the most ordinary day."
After reading this book, I was so passionate about the inspiring message of the the joy of giving, that I purchased and gave away multiple copies. One might expect a Christian book to emphasize a legalistic view of tithing and biblical stewardship as a way to earn God's favor, but that is not at all the approach used by Randy Alcorn.
The Treasure Principle is definitely not filled with "fluff", but neither is it too "heavy". Although Alcorn packs a lot of profound concepts about money into the brief 128 pages of his book, he illustrates key truths about money and giving in contemporary, easy-to-understand language. His motivational style encourages the reader to discover both the immediate joy and the eternal rewards of Matthew 6:19-21 -"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - with a "six step plan". His approach is always encouraging, inspiring and motivational, never guilt inducing.
Although the book alone is a great biblical resource on money, there are a variety of additional bible study materials available to bring even more insight into the biblical stewardship principles presented in the book. However, in looking for bible studies to accompany the book, I found it confusing to understand the difference between them. As a result of my reading and research on the different bible studies, I am happy to provide the following descriptions of bible study materials to help you decide which best fits your requirements.
The Treasure Principle Study Guide
Length of Bible Study: 12 lessons
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? Yes
Is a Leader's Guide included? No
The Treasure Principle Bible Study
Length of Bible Study: 20 lessons, (format is set up for 4 weeks with 5 lessons per week, but could be completed over a different time period that fits your schedule)
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? No
Is a Leader's Guide included? Yes
The Treasure Principle DVD
Length of Bible Study: Six sessions - 30 minutes each
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? Recommended, but not required.
Is a Leader's Guide included? NA
The Treasure Principle Workshop (for groups)
The Workshop Kit includes a DVD with speakers Randy Alcorn and Howard Dayton of Crown Financial Ministries, a leader's guide and a student workbook (with CD). Additional leader's guides and student workbooks (with CD's) can also be purchased separately.
Length of Bible Study: Six sessions - 1 hour each (Can be taught as an all day seminar, weekend workshop, or a six week bible study or adult education elective)
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? No
Is a Leader's Guide included? Yes, with the Kit, and can be purchased separately.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV)
Lisa Hay is a Christian CPA who is passionate about providing practical independent financial advice and sharing the joy and freedom that comes from following biblical truths regarding money and giving.
You can find out more by visiting Money by the Book.
You will also find additional buying information for The Treasure Principle other books and bible studies about money and giving. ALL referral commissions earned on purchases made through Money by the Book are donated to international missions.
After reading this book, I was so passionate about the inspiring message of the the joy of giving, that I purchased and gave away multiple copies. One might expect a Christian book to emphasize a legalistic view of tithing and biblical stewardship as a way to earn God's favor, but that is not at all the approach used by Randy Alcorn.
The Treasure Principle is definitely not filled with "fluff", but neither is it too "heavy". Although Alcorn packs a lot of profound concepts about money into the brief 128 pages of his book, he illustrates key truths about money and giving in contemporary, easy-to-understand language. His motivational style encourages the reader to discover both the immediate joy and the eternal rewards of Matthew 6:19-21 -"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - with a "six step plan". His approach is always encouraging, inspiring and motivational, never guilt inducing.
Although the book alone is a great biblical resource on money, there are a variety of additional bible study materials available to bring even more insight into the biblical stewardship principles presented in the book. However, in looking for bible studies to accompany the book, I found it confusing to understand the difference between them. As a result of my reading and research on the different bible studies, I am happy to provide the following descriptions of bible study materials to help you decide which best fits your requirements.
The Treasure Principle Study Guide
Length of Bible Study: 12 lessons
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? Yes
Is a Leader's Guide included? No
The Treasure Principle Bible Study
Length of Bible Study: 20 lessons, (format is set up for 4 weeks with 5 lessons per week, but could be completed over a different time period that fits your schedule)
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? No
Is a Leader's Guide included? Yes
The Treasure Principle DVD
Length of Bible Study: Six sessions - 30 minutes each
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? Recommended, but not required.
Is a Leader's Guide included? NA
The Treasure Principle Workshop (for groups)
The Workshop Kit includes a DVD with speakers Randy Alcorn and Howard Dayton of Crown Financial Ministries, a leader's guide and a student workbook (with CD). Additional leader's guides and student workbooks (with CD's) can also be purchased separately.
Length of Bible Study: Six sessions - 1 hour each (Can be taught as an all day seminar, weekend workshop, or a six week bible study or adult education elective)
Need The Treasure Principle book to complete the bible study? No
Is a Leader's Guide included? Yes, with the Kit, and can be purchased separately.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV)
Lisa Hay is a Christian CPA who is passionate about providing practical independent financial advice and sharing the joy and freedom that comes from following biblical truths regarding money and giving.
You can find out more by visiting Money by the Book.
You will also find additional buying information for The Treasure Principle other books and bible studies about money and giving. ALL referral commissions earned on purchases made through Money by the Book are donated to international missions.
Senin, 25 September 2017
Opening To Channel - Connecting With Your Spirit Guide By Sanaya Roman And Duane Packer
Have you ever wanted to learn to channel messages from the spirit plane? Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer have written a simple and easy to understand book about how you can learn to channel. In this book it is clearly explained how every human being has the natural ability to channel, and how to get started in learning to channel. If you have been searching for a book that gives real answers about Channeling, Spirit Guides, Trances states, Guides, and much more, then this is the book for you!
There are a lot of books written on new age subjects. Very few Authors explain from the ground up how to get started on the specific subject they are writing about. This book is well done in its explanations and examples on channeling, it takes you from new to channeling, to being able, with practice, to channel on your own. The authors of this book provide step by step instructions. Exercises provided in this book offer a great way to learning about your spiritual self, from your existing starting point, to where you would like to go.
Section 1 - Theory behind channeling. Explanations are given for:
What channeling can do in your life
What channeling involves and what it can be used for
The benefits of channeling, the limitations of channeling
Self-analysis to decide if channeling fits your personal makeup
The types and depth of trance states needed in channeling. How to achieve the trance states
What happens when you channel, where you go, and what you do
Guide types, the different levels of guides, and personal guides
Communication with guides, how messages are transmitted, and non-verbal communication
Things that you can do to attract your guide. First time communication with your guide
Section 2 - The How-to-Guide of channeling:
Exercise: Achieving a relaxed state
Exercise: Increasing your ability to focus and concentrate
Exercise: Attuning yourself to the spiritual plane
Exercise: The best posture to attain a good trance state
The process of communicating with your guide at the first meeting. Questions that you may want to ask
When working with a partner, how to best assist them in their channeling journey
Tips for giving readings to other people
Types of questions to expect from the people you read
Everyone's reading style is different, tips for developing your own style
Section 3 - Stories about opening to channel:
The experiences of the authors when they channel and about their guides
Experiences of everyday people who have learned to channel: Meeting their guides, and how they have benefited by learning to channel
Section 4 - Developing channeling skills
Realizing what you have experienced as a channel isn't just your imagination
Tips on how often to channel
Tips on ways to strengthen channeling abilities
Tips on guides, specific information about channeling, and changing guides
Your channeling abilities, and how this can affect your friends and those you meet in everyday life
When you channel, you are serving as a medium through which a spirit guide communicates. Channeling is a word which refers to multiple ways of getting information from the spirit world. The process, as explained by the authors is to the point, and easy to understand. The best way to learn to channel is to work with a partner, or join a psychic development class. Be very particular when choosing a partner, or in joining a psychic development class when learning to channel. Verify to yourself that your perspective partner or psychic development class members have the same goals and ideals as yourself.
Learning to channel can be a fun experience. By reading this book, and with practice, you can meet your spirit guides, set-up communication, have them assist you in daily matters and assisting others. Channeling is an easy process to learn. Remember though, that you need to work at it and get plenty of practice. This book can give you a new outlook on life!
There are a lot of books written on new age subjects. Very few Authors explain from the ground up how to get started on the specific subject they are writing about. This book is well done in its explanations and examples on channeling, it takes you from new to channeling, to being able, with practice, to channel on your own. The authors of this book provide step by step instructions. Exercises provided in this book offer a great way to learning about your spiritual self, from your existing starting point, to where you would like to go.
Section 1 - Theory behind channeling. Explanations are given for:
What channeling can do in your life
What channeling involves and what it can be used for
The benefits of channeling, the limitations of channeling
Self-analysis to decide if channeling fits your personal makeup
The types and depth of trance states needed in channeling. How to achieve the trance states
What happens when you channel, where you go, and what you do
Guide types, the different levels of guides, and personal guides
Communication with guides, how messages are transmitted, and non-verbal communication
Things that you can do to attract your guide. First time communication with your guide
Section 2 - The How-to-Guide of channeling:
Exercise: Achieving a relaxed state
Exercise: Increasing your ability to focus and concentrate
Exercise: Attuning yourself to the spiritual plane
Exercise: The best posture to attain a good trance state
The process of communicating with your guide at the first meeting. Questions that you may want to ask
When working with a partner, how to best assist them in their channeling journey
Tips for giving readings to other people
Types of questions to expect from the people you read
Everyone's reading style is different, tips for developing your own style
Section 3 - Stories about opening to channel:
The experiences of the authors when they channel and about their guides
Experiences of everyday people who have learned to channel: Meeting their guides, and how they have benefited by learning to channel
Section 4 - Developing channeling skills
Realizing what you have experienced as a channel isn't just your imagination
Tips on how often to channel
Tips on ways to strengthen channeling abilities
Tips on guides, specific information about channeling, and changing guides
Your channeling abilities, and how this can affect your friends and those you meet in everyday life
When you channel, you are serving as a medium through which a spirit guide communicates. Channeling is a word which refers to multiple ways of getting information from the spirit world. The process, as explained by the authors is to the point, and easy to understand. The best way to learn to channel is to work with a partner, or join a psychic development class. Be very particular when choosing a partner, or in joining a psychic development class when learning to channel. Verify to yourself that your perspective partner or psychic development class members have the same goals and ideals as yourself.
Learning to channel can be a fun experience. By reading this book, and with practice, you can meet your spirit guides, set-up communication, have them assist you in daily matters and assisting others. Channeling is an easy process to learn. Remember though, that you need to work at it and get plenty of practice. This book can give you a new outlook on life!
Minggu, 03 September 2017
Christian Affirmations Work When You Release Your Faith With All Your Might And Stick With It
There are ways we can renew the mind and it doesn't have to take years to do this. In fact it can be done anywhere from 1-3 months.
Now we as Christians, read the word of God first and foremost daily before any other book, to renew the mind. Renewing our mind is the key to changing our lives. Now we do that by keeping it coming out of our mouths, so that before or when pressure comes, whatever we're full of, that is what will come out of us.
That's what makes the difference to everything in life. We should do this before, during and after the pressure comes. That's all the time. By affirming God's word and not the problem we strengthen our faith in His word and sometimes we need added encouragement to do this.
A man once said that there are 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those that make things happen.
Those that watch what's happening.
Those that say what happened.
Say these affirmations if you are a Christian.
Say this with all your heart with confidence, each and every word:
1. I am free from condemnation in the name of Jesus.
2. I am free from fear in the name of Jesus.
3. I have been found not guilty because Jesus died for my sins.
4. I have been given free favors through Jesus that I could never have earned.
5. I have redemption through the blood of Jesus.
6. When I forgive others I will be forgiven as well.
7. I am forever in God's hands and I will always be protected in Jesus name.
8. I will prosper in all my work because my hands as blessed in the name of Jesus.
9. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
10. I have the mind of Christ and Satan has no power over me.
11. I am suppose to experience heaven on earth because I am a child of God.
12. I am on God's mind every second of everyday.
13. I am saved by hope and I am establish in Jesus Christ.
14. My faith is strong and getting stronger everyday by reading God's word.
15. I dwell in the secret place of the most High.
16. I am the blessed and I have the full assurance for Salvation.
If you were really believing with all your heart you should have felt something and if not you need to repeat them again with added faith in those words.
Now of course we must stay in the word to get faith to really grow. Right? Indeed.
How must we do this? Be renewing our mind with the word of God.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Remember if you want change you have to stick with it or else you will only do what you are conditioned to do. Just believe like you believe air is in the room. You expect it to be there. You trust that it's there. Or how about the chair you are sitting in right now. Didn't you trust that the chair could hold you? I am sure you would say yes or else you wouldn't be sitting there.
It's the same with affirming the word of GOD. God requires us to trust, lean and rely on him in order for him to move in own lives. It has to be bold and we have to settle it now because faith means I expect for things to change right now. However if we don't do anything, guess what? Nothing will happen.
Be determined and have a blessed day.
Now we as Christians, read the word of God first and foremost daily before any other book, to renew the mind. Renewing our mind is the key to changing our lives. Now we do that by keeping it coming out of our mouths, so that before or when pressure comes, whatever we're full of, that is what will come out of us.
That's what makes the difference to everything in life. We should do this before, during and after the pressure comes. That's all the time. By affirming God's word and not the problem we strengthen our faith in His word and sometimes we need added encouragement to do this.
A man once said that there are 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those that make things happen.
Those that watch what's happening.
Those that say what happened.
Say these affirmations if you are a Christian.
Say this with all your heart with confidence, each and every word:
1. I am free from condemnation in the name of Jesus.
2. I am free from fear in the name of Jesus.
3. I have been found not guilty because Jesus died for my sins.
4. I have been given free favors through Jesus that I could never have earned.
5. I have redemption through the blood of Jesus.
6. When I forgive others I will be forgiven as well.
7. I am forever in God's hands and I will always be protected in Jesus name.
8. I will prosper in all my work because my hands as blessed in the name of Jesus.
9. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
10. I have the mind of Christ and Satan has no power over me.
11. I am suppose to experience heaven on earth because I am a child of God.
12. I am on God's mind every second of everyday.
13. I am saved by hope and I am establish in Jesus Christ.
14. My faith is strong and getting stronger everyday by reading God's word.
15. I dwell in the secret place of the most High.
16. I am the blessed and I have the full assurance for Salvation.
If you were really believing with all your heart you should have felt something and if not you need to repeat them again with added faith in those words.
Now of course we must stay in the word to get faith to really grow. Right? Indeed.
How must we do this? Be renewing our mind with the word of God.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Remember if you want change you have to stick with it or else you will only do what you are conditioned to do. Just believe like you believe air is in the room. You expect it to be there. You trust that it's there. Or how about the chair you are sitting in right now. Didn't you trust that the chair could hold you? I am sure you would say yes or else you wouldn't be sitting there.
It's the same with affirming the word of GOD. God requires us to trust, lean and rely on him in order for him to move in own lives. It has to be bold and we have to settle it now because faith means I expect for things to change right now. However if we don't do anything, guess what? Nothing will happen.
Be determined and have a blessed day.
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